BTC 2025 Park Run League

The 2025 BTC Park Run League will start in April this year to give new entrants a chance to set a base time in Feb or March. The league is there to motivate your running and get more members meeting up at Saturday Park Runs. Juniors aged 4 to 14 can take part by doing one of the junior 2k park runs or they can take part in 5k park runs. If you would like to join contact

The league table  will be shown here and updated each month and the rules and the way the league works are described below


Every month from April  to December you submit your best time done in that month. This must be done at the same park run as your base time. You get a score based on the difference between this time and your base time. For example if you have a base time of 29 mins and your best time in April is 29:15 you get 15 points. If you get faster and your best time in April is 28:50 then you get minus 10 points. If your April time is your first Park Run this year it will become your base time and you will get 0 points for April

If you miss a month you will get 0 points but once you have scored 0 points twice you will get 120 points for any further months that you miss. If you join part way through the year missed months will be scored retrospectively as described above.

At the end of the year the lowest scoring senior and junior runner will receive an award at our annual presentation night.

If in any month you beat your PB/BaseTime and score negative points then the new PB becomes your new base time

Doing the scoring in this manner equalizes the league so everyone has a real chance of winning regardless of age, gender, running experience etc.

If you want to take part please e-mail with your base time and when sending in your results each month always make the e-mail subject ‘BTC Park Run League’

If you are not a ParkRun member it is free to register and free to run. Go to


  • Runners will need to be set up on parkrun and choose Bolton Metro Tri Club as one of your associated clubs (you are allowed up to 5 associated clubs – Bolton Metro Tri Club used to be our official name 15 years ago. At some point we will get ParkRun to change it)
  • Times issued by parkrun are final and are the only times that will be accepted – never mind what your watch said!
  • Can you have more than one go at the parkrun in the month? Yes, you can do the event as many times as you like in the month; the fastest time will count.
  • Can I do different park runs each month? Only times done at the same Park Run as your base time can be submitted. So choose your local park run where you can take part regularly. For most members this will be the Bolton Park Run at Leverhulme Park or the Bolton Junior Park Run at Queens Park.
  • What happens if I beat my PB/Base time? If this happens you will get a negative score and reduce your overall tally. Remember the Base time is not fixed so the new PB will then count as your Base time.
  • What happens if I am way below my PB one month because I am coming back from illness or injury? There is a maximum score of 120 a month so if you are more than 2 minutes below your PB your score will be only be 120.
  • What happens if it is a tie? In the unlikely event of a tie at the end of the season, there will be a run-off in January 2026 at the Bolton Park Run.

BTC 2024 Park Run League

Congratulations to the winner of the BTC 2024 Park Run League – 11 year old Nina Boodhun, who improved her PB at the Heaton Park park run from 30:32 to 23:20 over the year. Kudos also to the first adult in the league Stacie Lithgow-King who improved her PB at the Bolton Park Run from 58:18 to 45:46 over the year. Click on the link below for the full table

Final 2024 League Table

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